Holiday heads up: Main Street plans downtown events

Biloxi Main Street is hosting the second annual Christmas in the City celebration in downtown Biloxi on Saturday, Dec. 2 from 9:30 to 4:30 p.m.

“We are looking forward to having a Christmas festival down the Vieux Marche featuring vendors from all over, says Kay Miller, director of Main Street. “There will be great entertainment, pictures with Santa, and special Biloxi treats.”

Miller reported that the event will feature more than 100 vendors throughout the Vieux Marche, including some from as far away as Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Vendor booths are no longer being sold.

Main Street Biloxi will also have its collectable Christmas ornaments for sale.

The day will be kicked off with the Children’s Christmas Walking Parade at 9 a.m.

Youngsters sought for annual Christmas parade

The City of Biloxi and Biloxi Main Street invite those ages 12 and under to participate in the annual children’s Christmas parade, which takes place Saturday, Dec. 2 in downtown Biloxi.

Children are encouraged to be creative and dress in their favorite red and green.

The parade will begin at 9 a.m. at I-110 overpass on Howard Avenue. It will travel east on Howard, north on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, south on Lameuse and end in front of City Hall, where the city’s Parks and Recreation Department will have hot chocolate and cooking for participants. Santa also will be on hand for photographs with children at the Creole Cottage.

Participants should arrive at the parade starting point no later than 8 a.m. A limited amount of throws will be available for the children.

Children are encouraged to bring additional throws. Parents and guardians may accompany their children in the parade.

Applications will be distributed through all Biloxi Schools or can be picked up at the Recreation Office in Hiller Park and the Biloxi Main Street Office in the Creole Cottage across from Biloxi City Hall on Lameuse Street. You can also get an application by clicking here.

Applications need to be returned to the Main Street Office or mailed to P.O. Box 429, Biloxi, MS. 39533, by Wednesday Nov. 29.

Details: Kay Miller at or 435-6339.

Thanksgiving dinners offered to needy

The Harrison County Volunteers to Feed the Needy will be delivering hot
meals to the homes of those in need on Thanksgiving Day. Names of anyone in need of a meal on Thanksgiving day are currently being accepted by calling
the Biloxi Police Department at 435-6124 or e-mail